A personal auto policy usually covers one person driving their own car, but a commercial policy covers an entire business. That could include multiple drivers, multiple vehicles, trucks, and employees with poor driving records. If your vehicle is owned by the business and used for business needs such as deliveries or transporting equipment, you should have commercial auto insurance coverage. Any full-time employees that use the vehicle for business purposes should be listed as drivers on your commercial auto insurance policy.
Commercial auto insurance is a business insurance policy that applies to autos owned by or used in your business that protects your business against liability for damages caused by accidents involving your business autos and provides certain compensation to occupants of your business autos injured in accidents.
There are three basic parts of every commercial auto insurance policy: Liability insurance − includes bodily injury, property damage, uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist coverage. Other coverage − includes medical payments, towing and labor, rental reimbursement and auto loan or lease gap coverage.